Safety is our priority, make it yours!

Welcome to Strathcona District Mutual Assistance Program website (SDMAP). Our primary goal is to plan for and test emergency response readiness. SDMAP also reaches out to inform about the dangers and safety measures specific to industrial products.

SDMAP is a partnership of more than 30 industrial and community agencies dedicated to emergency response planning in east Edmonton and Strathcona County. Since 1979, we have been sharing best practices for industrial incident planning and response. And SIA members are proud to be a part of the Strathcona District Mutual Assistance Program (SDMAP).

We are committed to working together for a safer community. Through participation in safety education and awareness SDMAP believes that everyone in the community can do their part in being prepared for incidents at home or at work. As industry, communities and individuals we are better prepared to manage any incident – natural or industrial – quickly and effectively if we plan, prepare and practice.


SDMAP uses the combined expertise and equipment of all our members, which includes emergency response crews from refineries, petro chemical plants, manufacturers and oil and gas transportation companies. All members have emergency response plans that work hand in hand with the community response plans.


Being ready – day or night – for any situation relies on extensive preparation. Maintaining a current inventory of available equipment and trained staff as well as conducting routine hazard assessments, gives SDMAP partners the ability to make sound emergency response decisions in a short period of time.


Routine training exercises conducted on member sites gives SDMAP partners the opportunity to gain familiarity with other industrial plants as well as different types of response equipment. In training situations, members test and improve emergency response plans and strengthen their working relationships prior to emergency.

Training & Exercise Plan 2022-2024

SDMAP has a progressive three-year training and exercise program to ensure our industry members and partners plan, prepare and practice all aspects of emergency management.